The Fool

From Dragon Quest Wiki

The Fool is a skill that appears exclusively in Dragon Quest Tact and is one of Meena's signature abilities, drawing out and unleashing the Tarot Card of the same name to strike the target and sometimes lower their stats too.


Dragon Quest Tact[edit]

The Fool can be learned by Meena at level 31 and costs 90 MP to use. It has a range of 2-4 squares away from her and deals major martial damage to a single enemy while sometimes lowering their ATK, DEF, WIS, AGL too. Upgrading the ability increases its damage and reduces the amount of MP it costs to use.

The Fool (愚者のカード Gusha no kādo)Tactlogo.png
Ability information
The Fool
Role * Type * Element MP cost
Debuff Martial DQTact Non-elemental.png
Range Additional effects
DQTact Range1.png
DQTact ATKDown.pngDQTact DEFDown.pngDQTact WISDown.pngDQTact AGLDown.png
ATK Down,DEF Down,WIS Down,AGL Down
Deals major martial damage to 1 enemy, occasionally lowers ATK, DEF, WIS, and AGL for 3 turns
Naturally learnt by