Present Bomb

From Dragon Quest Wiki

Present Bomb is a skill that appears exclusively in Dragon Quest Tact. It is one of Red Robbin' Hood's signature abilities, hurling a fire bomb at a group of enemies disguised as a Christmas present that has the drawback of strengthening them at the same time.


Present Bomb can be learned by Red Robbin' Hood at level 42 and costs 38 MP to use. It inflicts 230% potency Frizz-type physical damage to all enemies in a 3x3 square in front of him, but also raises their ATK and WIS for three turns, as well.

Present Bomb (プレゼントボム Purezentobomu)Tactlogo.png
Ability information
Present Bomb
Role * Type * Element MP cost
Attack Physical DQTact Frizz.png 38
Range Additional effects
DQTact RangeFrontSquare.png
DQTact ATKUp.pngDQTact WISUp.png
Deals 230% potency Frizz-type physical damage to all enemies in area of effect, raises enemy ATK and WIS for 3 turns
Naturally learnt by
Red Robbin' Hood