
Egghead (あたまでっかち atama-dekkachi, translated as logical in the Game Boy Color Version of Dragon Quest III: The Seeds of Salvation) is a personality in the Dragon Quest III remakes, in Dragon Quest X, and in Dragon Quest: Monster Parade.


Main seriesEdit

Dragon Quest III remakesEdit

"You are what some would describe as an ‘egghead’…

I do not mean that your head is shaped like an egg, of course…

I mean that you have a large, well-formed brain, gifted in thought… But perhaps not so much in action…

If a once-in-a-lifetime chance were to come along, you may not act quickly enough to take it…

But this is not necessarily reason to mourn…

After all, many deadly traps come disguised as once-in-a-lifetime chances…

You are wise enough to recognise this, but others may simply see it as an excuse…

Perhaps, from time to time, it might be better to act without thinking quite so deeply…

In doing so, you may make a mistake or two, but mistakes are there to teach us…

And perhaps you will earn a more flattering nickname than ‘egghead’ in the process…

Unless your head really is shaped like an egg, of course… If so, I fear I cannot help you…"

—? (iOS / Android)

In the Dragon Quest III remakes, egghead is a personality that improves agility and wisdom growth, but reduces strength, resilience, and luck growth.

At the start of the game, the Hero becomes an egghead by receiving the final test of character in the well. The Hero must leave the test after breathing fire on the mother and child inside the house. If the Hero breathes fire on exactly nine NPCs, the man hiding in the bushes cannot be the only NPC spared. All NPCs, including the required one at the well and the dog, count toward this total.

Other party members have a chance to be an egghead when recruited as any class, depending on their stat bonuses.

Class / gender Stat bonuses for egghead (chance)
  • Wisdom bonus highest, 10+ (29)
  • Wisdom bonus highest, 6–9 (16)
  • Wisdom bonus highest, 6–9 (15)
  • Wisdom bonus highest, 6–9 (213)

An existing character cannot become an egghead through items.